Fire Chiefs Presentation
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What is truly amazing is that right back in the 1980’s the International Association of Fire Chief’s had it right.

After extensive research they released this advice to the public.

We have come full circle on the data again.


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(c) Copyright July 09

The International Association of Fire Chief’s

Residential Smoke Alarm Report
(September 1980, excerpt)

    1.      The Fire Chief's Recommendation

    2.      What kind of detector should the fire chief recommend - ionization
      or photoelectric? The answer to this question, in the subcommittee's

    3.      opinion is clear.

    4.     It is the subcommittee's belief that only the photoelectric detector

    5.     will meet the requirements reliably when subjected to both open

    6.     flame and smoldering fires.

    7.     The subcommittee believes this has been proven time after time throughout the country in actual tests conducted by manufacturers

    8.     and fire departments (see Appendix A).

HERE > > >

IAFC - Residential Smoke
Alarm Report - Sept 1980