Fire Chiefs Presentation
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(c) Copyright July 09

    1. Legislation and codes must require stand-alone photoelectric technology.

    2. All residential building that rent must have stand-alone photoelectric alarms on each

    3.     floor and properly spaced between bedrooms.

    4. When residential homes are sold, before the deed is transferred, they shall have

    5.     standalone photoelectric alarms on each floor and properly spaced between bedrooms.

    6. New home construction shall have hardwired photoelectric detectors.

Changes that
Must be Made in Ohio

Father for Fire Safety Statement

What we want for Ohio

We strongly feel fire officials need the right information to educate the public and that everyone needs stand-alone, photoelectric smoke alarms.  It is clear most people die from smoke inhalation and most people die while asleep or when they were asleep and tried to escape when they were awoken too late in the fire.  It is clear that test after test has established a significant time advantage for the photoelectric in the types of fires that kill most people.  It is also clear that we cannot afford smoke alarms that are flawed by failing to alarm in smoke, or through unacceptably high nuisance alarms.  We also have to recognize that smoke detectors are not needed and can not save a person from a fire they just lit/were intimate with.

What is not clear is the advantage of the ionization alarm.

In most cases they MAY alarm seconds faster in a flaming fire (if they have not been disconnected due to false alarms).  However, many, if not most flaming fires, are caused by an event and the person is likely near the fire and awake.  The nuisance alarm problem is very disturbing.  It is also disturbing that manufacturers of dual sensor alarms attempt to combine superior technology with inferior technology and have them run off the same battery.

If any fire official still feels a home truly needs both types of detectors, then they should make sure everyone has a photoelectric and then suggest a stand-alone ionization as well.  Children should never sleep in a home that has a product that is likely to be disabled, or ignored, and have their lives needlessly put at risk.

We also feel that photoelectric detectors vast time advantage will save citizens lives and property because fire fighters can be alerted considerably earlier.  Photoelectric technology will save fire fighters lives because it is easier to put out a smolder fire than a full fledge fire.

To us the choice is clear - Recommend only stand-alone Photoelectric Smoke Detectors.

    1.      NOTE:

    2.      We are not taking a position that an owner cannot install other fire detection
      protection equipment including ionization alarms or dual sensor alarms.  We feel
      strongly that ionization alarms do not provide optimal protection and the nuisance
      alarm factor contributes to deaths, and will lead to the disabling of dual sensor alarms.